Red Light Therapy

Introducing the latest innovation in personalized anti-aging solutions; Red Light Therapy.

This tailor-made anti-aging ritual reveals smoother, more radiant-looking skin. Made with innovative anti-aging technology developed by a Nobel prize-winning scientist.

Red Light Therapy uses wavelengths that are scientifically proven to stimulate and increase collagen and elastin. You will see a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an improvement in skin texture, quality and smoothness. Treatments can also improve circulation, allowing blood to deliver more oxygen where needed. The effects of red light therapy are subtle initially, working behind the scenes to boost the collagen and elastin for long-term improvement.

Red Light Therapy sessions can be booked independently or added on to a facial service.

The Results

Light therapy has shown:

  • Improved skin tone and complexion

  • Improved appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and stretch marks

  • Reduced acne, rosacea and eczema

  • Increased circulation

  • Faster healing of wounds and injuries

  • Reduced inflammation and arthritis

Deep forehead wrinkles are smoothed, superficial fine lines are cleared and skin texture improved after just 4 weeks.

The outcome of using Red Light Therapy regularly will be:

  • Reduction of facial fine lines

  • Reduction of pore size

  • Improved skin tone and texture

  • Improving the appearance of the face

  • Best results can be expected 8 weeks after completing the initial course of treatment.